News & Information

Reach 2 Project Design Criteria

Access the results of the recent survey to understand community priorities for Reach 2 project design criteria below:

Reach 2 Design Criteria Survey Report, November 18, 2024

Student Intern Project Spotlight -

Evaluation of Permanent Passive Flood Barriers

Brooke Threlkeld, was a student intern for the SFCJPA over the summer of 2024. Her capstone project was an evaluation of Permanent Passive Flood Barriers. Our community members, agency partners, and other agencies looking for creative ways to address urban flooding may find this informative.

Her report: “Evaluation of Permanent Passive Flood Barriers”, November 2024

Her presentation: Permanent Passive Flood Barriers - Google Slides

Watershed and Stream Information -


Why Rivers Move, Practical Engineering:

Why Engineers Can’t Control Rivers, Practical Engineering:

Class summary of Fluvial Geomorphology (stream channel shapes and the factors influencing their dynamics):

Historical and Present Ecology

Historical Ecology of Lower San Francisquito Creek. Phase 1. Technical memorandum accompanying project GIS data. San Francisco Estuary Institute. Dan Hermstad, Kristen Cayce, Robin Grossinger.

The Historical Ecology of Upper San Francisquito Creek - A landscape reconstruction of Jasper Ridge and Searsville Reservoir circa late 1700s.

Erik Steiner, Laura Jones, Matthew Walter, Julie Cain, Maria J. Santos

Page updated on January 10, 2025