JPA Staff
If you are not sure who you need to speak with, you can call the main office number: 1-650-643-1450
Margaret Bruce - Executive Director. 650/643-1451 office or 650/384-7850 cell mbruce@sfcjpa.org
Miyko Harris-Parker, CMC, CPMC - Finance and Administration Manager and Clerk of the Board. 650/643-1452 office or 650/304-2362 cell mhparker@sfcjpa.org
Miyko Harris-Parker’s Biography
Tess Byler, PG, CHG - Sr. Project Manager. 650/643-1454 office or 650/304-4998 cell tbyler@sfcjpa.org
Tess Byler is the lead technical and project management point of contact for both the completed Reach 1, the Reach 2, and the SAFER Bay projects.
Denean Ni - Project Manager. 650/643-1453 (direct) dni@sfcjpa.org
Denean Ni provides technical support for both the Reach 1 and Reach 2 projects and the SAFER Bay project, and leads various special projects associated with the Reach 1 and Reach 2 project areas.
Office Address
San Francisquito Creek Joint Powers Authority
750 Menlo Ave., Suite 250
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Webpage last update on December 2, 2024